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Showing posts from April, 2010

It's a Wrap ~ April

Yes it's a wrap. It has been a great week seeing the creativity of the kids evolve using technology. Scroll down to see what we covered each day and on the tabs at the top you will see some examples of work done. Looking forward to July. Ka Kite Tania

Fun with Images

Today we are going to have fun with images.  Fun with text, fonts, styles  Fun with slideshows  Look at this Doll in a Blue Dress Now look at her Take 5 Images:


Today we are going to publish our own works: comic strips, magazines , art, photography, all using online tools! (Any image below can be clicked on for fullscreen view, just click esc when finished) Here's one made this morning: By yikesnelson | View this Toon at ToonDoo | Create your own Toon We can even make a flipbook comic book if we want like this one: The 7 Habits by Seannoel | Make your own at We can also create our own magazine using photos, images and text, here is an example just using our parent information sheet, but you can be even more creative:


Today's focus is on tools for voice, tools for expression. Some kids are shy and find it hard to express themselves. Remember when you were a kid and had to give a 5 minute speech in front of the class?! Imagine if you could deliver your speech through your own avatar! Just because some kids are shy doesn't mean they haven't got much to offer......... There are three types of voice expressions below, click the play button to hear:
Hi Guys, Holly and I are looking forward to seeing everyone Tuesday. The focus for the day will be moviemaker. Using this tool for making a movie or  making a quick presentation for your blog/website. Thought this clip would help with our planning phase. Don't be daunted by the age of this guy, or the content. Any age from 4yrs old and up can use this tool and create video masterpieces (in the eyes of their Mums and Dads anyway). And as for the content, Holly and I are here to help. If you are booked in for half a day, we probably will focus on a quicker presentation to get it done in time.